Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Ultimate Test of My Willpower

In the three months that I have been enmeshed in this boycott, there have been a number of unforeseen snafus, as well as a few positive experiences.

This experience takes the prize for the worst, most frustrating and quite possibly most difficult challenge until January 1, 2008.

You are forewarned!

I was reading a blog from a friend which linked to another blog which then linked to some guy's blog about his sexploits, which may or may not be true; it really doesn't matter. The point is, the stories got me all aroused in the wee hours of the morning, which is all well and good except that my lover was at work.

So, being the sex loving, self-pleasing feminist that I am, I figured I would go to bed and take care of this intense desire myself.

Things were going along well, the pleasurable feelings were flowing...and then...and then...the unthinkable happened!

My most favorite vibrator, the steadfastly reliable Silver Bullet, became completely unreliable.

In fact, the f'ing thing died on me!

Right in the middle of things!

It died!

Now, I don't mean "the batteries are dead, gotta get out of bed with sticky fingers to find a new set" kind of died, I mean the "it ain't never gonna work again" kind of died!

At first I tried to tell myself that the Silver Bullet had a variable speed setting and the spurts and sputters were normal.

This was crap though and no matter how good things were feeling I couldn't bring myself to believe that line. I've had this trusty vibe for about five years now and it never spurted and sputtered.

This certainly was not the time for it to start now!

I was beside myself and the erotic desires of the moment were rapidly fading away, cackling at my intense misfortune.

Now, I am well aware of the fact that there are endless, non-vibrator induced ways of having an orgasm, but that was not what I was looking for at this particular moment!


It wasn't happening and neither was that orgasm.

Do I need to mention that this vibrator is made in China?

Isn't goddamn everything made in China?????

Well, no. The Fun Factory vibes are made in Germany but they cost about as much as a year's worth of batteries and as far as I know, they don't make the Silver Bullet! Besides, I have several others. The point is I wanted this one to work and it took the great and final sleep.

Worse than that, if I am going to adhere to this miserable boycott, I won't have a new one until January 1, 2008!!!!!!

I know second had/previously used purchases are OK, and I do consider myself to be an open-minded individual, but in this case, I'll hold out until I am the sole owner/user!

I'm beginning the countdown to a new vibrator, 'er, new year right now.....


Anonymous said...

I have a question for you as I have read some of your blog.
If you find something that you want to buy but there is no mark to tell you what its origin is will you buy it ?
I live in Sydney, Australia and find the situation is the same here : if you want to buy something and you don't have a lot of money it's almost certain to be made in China. Even things that you know the brands are not Chinese are made there.
I couldn't afford to boycott Chinese made goods and there's not a lot of choice anyway.

Anonymous said...

oh boy oh boy oh boy.....hahahahahahahahahahaha! i told i'd write something more than laughter, but i can't stop laughing!

Anonymous said...

This why you should ALWAYS think things through before you agree to do them.

lulu said...

I think sex boy is on the level personally, but that just be wishful thinking....

Sorry about your bullet. I'd lend you mine, but ummmm, that's gross.

lulu said...

There should be a "might" in that first sentence.

lulu said...

I told this story to Jane while we were out for breakfast on Saturday and she cried because she was laughing so hard. She wanted to know if you can accept gifts from China?

wonderturtle said...

Oh sugar, I am so sorry. I have had that happen and it is almost as bad as craving those leftovers in the fridge and then finding that someone else has eaten them! OK, maybe worse.

Cantankerous Consumer said...

Dear Readers,

Please forgive me for taking so long to respond. Moving is hell and has been consuming most of my otherwise mundane life for the past month.

I love all of my feedback!

Cantankerous Consumer said...


I'm thrilled that you read some of my blog!

I will buy something if it does not say where it is made. Sometimes I pray that whatever I want to buy does not list where it is made, that way I don't have to be disappointed. Mostly though, shopping has become a huge pain in the ass and I buy a whole lot less stuff.

The other rule to the boycott is that we can't purchase anything that says anything about China in its origins, for example, I wanted to buy a mop one day that was assembled in Mexico of parts made in Germany, China and some other countries. This was banned because the label listed China as a contributor the the product.

I guess that will help save money, but that is not the only reason we shop!

I'd love to know what you do when yo go shopping. Do you but stuff made in China or do without it? I'm having a hard time paying more for something just because it is made somewhere else.


Cantankerous Consumer said...
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Cantankerous Consumer said...


Always good to know that you're on my side sis!


Thanks for the post. I tried to think of every possible terrible thing that could go wrong, but the unexpected is part of the, er, um, fun of this whole damn project.

I'm looking forward to 2008 and a shinny new bullet!


Always good to read your comments and your blog. Thanks for the inspiration.

I'm delighted that Jane was beside herself. While I can't outright ask someone to buy me something from China...I don't return gifts. Well, maybe if the bullet was used before hand (but thanks for the thought!).


I can always confide in you and commiserate about my foibles!

Anonymous said...

My main thing with shopping is that I try to buy Australian made products but it's become more difficult to find out lately, I usually buy them though especially if there is no Australian made alternative : many products don't have their country of origin on them but they are supposed to : for example I won't buy canned pineapple from Thailand - Australia is a big producer of pineapple and I'd rather support the local industry. I also tend to look for things that keep jobs here so if it says processed in Australia from Brazilian grown oranges that's more acceptable.
When it comes electronic goods it's much more difficult because there isn't anything made in Australia. A boycott in that case is silly : so I look for better known brands. My three Philips items [tv, vcr, stereo] have lasted 9 years : I think they were assembled in Singapore.
Good luck with your search for satisfaction of whatever kind.

Cantankerous Consumer said...


If there is one ongoing thing that I am learning through all of this, it is that I had no idea where things I consumed everyday were made. I felt really dumb not knowing that pineapples are produced in Australia.

I wonder, is the exportation of jobs to China a concern in Australia as well? Sometimes I am guilty of thinking it only affects Americans.

I am begining to understand why ignorance is perceived as bliss.