Thursday, May 17, 2007

Denying My Cats

Yes, folks, that's right! I am denying my cats as a result of this boycott.

We used to have this spiffy laser pointer, courtesy of Luke's mom, which the cats went nuts over. It was, in fact, the only way we could get Jezebella to exercise. Sahti is far more curious and will play with anything for 30 seconds and the laser pointer held her interest for several minutes or more!

The laser pointer died before we moved to the East Coast and we spent a few fleeting moments in between preparing for the big move, looking for a new one.

It would appear that they are all made in China.

Correction, all the cheap ones that run on batteries so small that they cost more than the laser pointer itself, are made in China.

We are now halfheartedly on the lookout for a laser pointer that takes AA or AAA batteries and is not made in China.

In the meantime, when Jezebella and Sahti are not driving me crazy by refusing to get along with Thomas, who is native to our new home and my most favorite cat, I feel guilty that I am depriving them of a toy they love and some hilarious entertainment for ourselves.

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