Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Again...He is Inconvenienced

Luke is trying to buy some fancy shmansy part for his computer so that he can have wireless access on his desktop computer.
Do we need to have a wireless desktop card?
Only if you are a huge World of Warcraft fan and want to fiendishly play the game late at night in the basement where we now live.

Apparently his ginormous laptop doesn't have the memory space to hold the game and so "we need wireless access downstairs on the desktop computer."
I tried to be supportive about something I really don't care about, and we discussed many other options, even tried a few, to no avail.

Luke did some research and found a wireless card on Newegg.com, only to learn that it was made in China. In fact, it took Vincent about 1/10th of a second to confirm that is where it is made.

I, being ever supportive, cheered and threw a party when he hung up the phone.
The party and the cheering were very brief though, once I realized that we would have to keep discussing this ad nauseum until we found another solution.
I'm torn between feeling happy that he feels the sting of this boycott and annoyed that we aren't finished with this "problem."

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