Monday, January 22, 2007

Oh, Crap!!

January 3, 2007

Three days into our boycott and I've already f'd things up!

I feel like a failure!
It's hopeless!
It's over!
I never should have invite my mom along!

Let me explain...

I had been meaning to make the time to buy Luke's second gift before the New Year, since I was fairly certain that it would be made in China. I did a lot of research on it, even meant to make a few bids on Ebay, which I forgot all about. In the end though, I just ran out of time.

Every year during the first week in January, I volunteer at a program called "Sex Week"
and there was only one night this week that I did not have plans. When I arrived home Wednesday evening, my mom offered to take me out to dinner. I enjoy her company and I wasn't going to turn down a free meal!

After dinner, I asked her if she minded stopping at the store with me because I did not feel like making the trek out there again (it is about a mile from my mom's house!) and we were going to pass by it anyway.

She agreed.

I wandered around the store, entranced by all the sparkly packages, their bubbly promises and seductive hints. Finally, I had to ask the saleswoman to help me.

I was about to pay for the gift when the annoying voice in my head said, "Hey, you're supposed to see where that was made." I cringed and turned the package over.

It was made in China.

I was in a bind. Should I buy it and hope my mom didn't ask where it was made, or should I stick to my principles and put it back?

I went to put it back and my mom, with eyes in the back of her head, noticed. Of course, since she knew why we were there, I had to explain what I was doing.

Not missing a beat, she chided me, "Oh, so you're going to deny Luke the pleasure of this gift because you didn't get around to buying it before your boycott?"

I said, "Well, yes. I have my principles to stick to. Besides, he will never know."

"Hmmm," she said, "Your going to deny him a gift because of principles. Interesting."

I felt trapped.

I bought the damn thing!

My mom laughed and said, "So now I know your secret. You will only boycott things if it is not something that you really want. Interesting. Principles or love. Hmmm."

Secretly I cursed myself for bringing her along. If I had gone alone, no one would have to know that I bought this after the ban took effect.

Back home, I called Luke and let my mom break the news to him. She was having so much fun gloating, I figured she would appreciate this gesture and then forget about my decision.

When I told Luke the boycott was over, he laughed and said, "We all make mistakes. Besides, we have to start some where."

I somewhat bitterly wondered if he would have been so chipper about this if the gift wasn't for him. I also was not pleased at being the first to screw up. Secretly I had been hoping that he would make the first mistake since this was my idea and I enjoy shopping more than he does.

Three lousy days into the ban and I'm already messing up! Oh, crap!

1 comment:

Sean Carter said...

He thanks for dropping really glad that you liked the ideas i've posted there...well do come back sometime for some more updates!!