Thursday, August 23, 2007

So Much to Blog About

Good grief, it's been over a month since I last wrote anything (well, anything not related to school anyway!) and now I sound like a Charlie Brown character! Who says good grief anyway?

My lack of writing is not because I lack things to blog about, not by far!

I haven't written because even though I dream about my blog, compose entries in my head throughout the day and even respond (in my head) to imaginary postings from faithful readers, I am scared.

I find myself in long periods of fear induced paralysis, which usually hits me after I've received two or more new postings, especially when they are from people I've never met.

Writing in your head is so much less terrifying than actually putting something out in this great Internet vortex and waiting, gnawing on nails, or on your partner if they happen to be around, to see what people's reactions are...if there are any reactions at all!

I'm fighting off another bout of paralysis now, because there are things I want to say and once you say them you can't take them back. That's disconcerting!

I am trying to use the knowledge that my nephew is upstairs asleep, for about another half hour, to motivate me to blog about traitors, birthday shopping, hypocritical patriotism, a new kind of callousness, adult stores and other fun topics.

Let's see how far I get. Let's see if I have any readers left!

(As an aside, I never want kids but I'm considering borrowing a nephew or two whenever I need the motivation to write...trying to accomplish anything while they are napping is a rewarding and exhausting feat!)

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