Thursday, August 23, 2007

Shades of Gray?

Hmm, I thought I was finished writing for today, but it turns out to be untrue.

I have a matter I need opinions on....

After taking my nephew for a walk today, we stopped by the local pharmacy to get some insertable notebook dividers, because, presumably, the more organized I am, the smarter I will be and the harder I will work.

Well, it sounds good anyway!

I asked my sister and her husband to pick me up some on the way home, because I wanted more. There is a limit of one per customer and the store manager was not pleased when I said my nephew was a valid customer so that I could buy two.

So, the conundrum is, I never checked to see where the dividers were made. It took me so long to find them and to deter my nephew from wanting the mascara, batteries, ribbons, whatever he saw, that I forgot to check.

Ok, that's not fair to blame a one year old. Fairly often I forget to check where something is made, even after eight months of doing this.

Go figure, they are made in China!

I didn't even have to look very hard to find that out, it was right there in medium sized letters on the front of the package, which I discovered after searching the teeny tiny print on the back of the package, where it usually says the country of origin!

By rules, they should go back to the store.

The catch, because there must be one to keep this interesting, is that the dividers were essentially free. The sale price was a dollar but there was a dollar off coupon in the paper, which, being as cheap as I am, is why I went there in the first damn place. In microscopic print, the coupon said I am responsible for the sales tax. However, due to a computer glitch, my stunning good looks or an oversight on the salesperson's part, both inserts rang up free. Sans sales tax. Free. Maybe it was my nephew's good looks that did it.

So, since I did not pay anything for what I got, is that essentially the same as a gift? A free gift from Brooks?

Hey, welcome to a glimpse of life inside my head, a beautiful, poignant world where even the most ridiculous detail can be analyzed from every painstaking angle!

Thanks for reading. Please leave feedback.


wonderturtle said...

It depends on whether it is sending actual money to China or simply USING something made in China that you object to. In the past I have used things people gave me that came from Wal-Mart (an "I Heart Nerds" folder, for example) even though I turned up my nose at them. I say this is a case of duress (baby in tow, some weird limit on purchasing--is this a back to school rule?) and you should keep them.

Cantankerous Consumer said...

I love it when you side with me!