Monday, December 31, 2007

Last minute musings

Now that January 1st looms bright and full of promise, I am, dear reader, giving up the boycott.

I am doing this for many reasons, not the least of which is because with all my efforts and attempts, I still failed to live the whole year without buying anything made in China. I failed several times in fact, as did Luke. If we failed at this together, does that have the potential to make our relationship stronger? Just a random thought on my mind.

My initial reasons for this boycott were not born out of a hatred for China, or Chinese people or products, in fact, this boycott has very little to do with China and nearly everything to do with working for a company that outsourced most of it's jobs to China and a desire to raise my own awareness of just how much stuff I consume from this country. Perhaps if my company had outsourced jobs to Malaysia, I would be boycotting them for a year instead...which would have been much easier to do in many ways.

I hate the flippant attitude I found myself using when I had the drug addicted need to BUY SOMETHING NOW!!! and the only things I could find were made in China. In moments like these, when I found something made outside of the USA, but not in China, I would inwardly, sometimes even vocally shriek, "It's ok to exploit that country!" What a terrible way to think about anything!

This may be an abrupt ending, but dinner is ready and the festivities are about to begin. My boycott will soon be over, and for those of you who are wondering what my first legitimate "Made in China" purchase will be, I have no idea. For months it was going to be a new Silver Bullet...I even dreamed about the day that would happen, but I got one for Christmas, so now I don't know.

Perhaps that will be my next entry.

Happy New Year!


wonderturtle said...

If it helps, you have definitely raised my awareness of the source(s) of what I buy. Congratulations on trying to do something hard, and admitting your setbacks.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on an impressive accomplishment even with those few bumps on the road.

Anonymous said...

How lame it is to quit. Weak. It can be done by strong-willed people who truly understand the purpose of what they're doing.

Cantankerous Consumer said...

Well, good thing there are more strong-willed and understanding Anonymous people in the world!

I applaud you.

statuskuo said...

I'm sure I'm several months late, but now that Sara Bongiorni's book "A Year without China" has come out (and is probably widely read), I was curious if you have read it and have any opinions about it? She probably faced a lot of the same hurdles you did over your year. Since you stopped adding to this blog, did you find any changes to how you shop after the boycott?

Anonymous said...

Cantankerous consumer, this is the same "Anonymous" as before. Only "anonymous" out of pure laziness b/c I didn't (and don't) have a login established for this forum and didn't know what a couple of the other options meant (OpenID, etc). I stand by what I said... saying no to Chinese merchandiise should be a lifestyle (and not a fad) for Americans who care about the economy, humanitarians who care about, you know, humans, animal lovers who think dogs and cats are better petted than sauteed... that sort of thing. If a cause is important enough to stir one to action, it should be important enough to cause the action to continue, or else it wasn't important in the first place, by definition. So either the individual's passions are blown about by the four winds, or the individual concedes that the cause isn't worth the price, and either scenario is "weak", hence my comment. I stand by it fully, 10 weeks later.

Anonymous said...

Well done! I'm reading this now at the end of 2008 from the West end of Canada (BC) Read: Pacific Rim Read: receiving end of all the container ships

Having started my own "no buy" program about 6 months ago, I have essentially stopped visitng dollar stores, really don't go shopping much any more and when I do I can easily spend 20 minutes looking for a pair of socks.

No matter anyone's reason for trying this, you end up sounding like a racist nutbar if you tell anyone out loud- no bother to me. I know I and my my wallet feel better and it's has inpired me to learn about sewing- instead of paying $ for the heaps of rags for sale everywhere. I have shed myself of this disposable thinking and am proud to buy things that cost more $ but last forever (like my grandparents used to do) and I was thrilled to find this blog :>) -West Coast Canada

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